24 November 2011


Someone wrote somewhere, that of all the things we might forget to say, we should never forget to say thanks.

So, today I'm saying merci beaucoup, thank you very much, mahalo, grazie, danke, madaming salamat to everyone who has made this year awesome. I have gone through a lot this year (including a very nasty quarter life crisis) and yet I consider this year one of my best ones! It's true what they say, that it is in the dark that stars shine brightest. 

To my family and friends, thank you! I know I'm sarcastic most of the time and can't stop rolling my eyes, but I hope you know that's just how I make lambing and I really love having you in my life (naks). And to the people I barely/ do not know who surprise me with their kindness, I guess you'll never know how deeply you've touched my life, but I hope your kindness is repaid a hundred-fold. Thank you. :)

Oh and to the people who read my blog, thanks for giving me an outlet for my ideas and stories the past months. Having no one to talk to makes me a little loony so I owe my sanity to all of you. Hahaha. 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I know I use my blog as an outlet as well so happy yours has given you an outlet as well! Hope you have a great rest of the year!

  2. Thank you Annie! :) I wish the same for you too!

  3. "I know I'm sarcastic most of the time and can't stop rolling my eyes, but I hope you know that's just how I make lambing and I really love having you in my life (naks)." - It's like you just described me. :D

  4. Yet our friends love having us around uhuh! :)


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